Socialmediascope 2013 – The Year of Engagement Marketing

With record activations for Android and ios devices, and increase in app downloads in the Holiday Season, the importance of  Engagement Marketing cannot be ignored. Google Plus Business Pages, Tailored Trends on Twitter  and the growth in Facebook users, could well mean that 2013 will be The Year of Engagement Marketing as Brand Marketers optimize  Advertising sharply targeting the audiences with User Interests, Online Behavioral and User Data.


Online Customer and Brand Experience is key to Engaging your customers and seeding brand conversations where User Generated Content and Brand Experience in social defines engagement within a brand community and creates the brand connect.

Audience Segmentation

LinkedIn Interest Based recommendations, Tailored trends on Twitter, Facebook Apps, User Engagement Posts on Facebook Timeline with open graph applications are some of the Social Media tools that your Brand Strategy in 2013 will bring about  improved Segmentation, based on the audience Social Media Preferences, Interests and Online behavior.

Customized Messaging

With Tailored Trends on Twitter, Brand Marketers can effectively leverage and customize messaging based on the trends impacting their industry. With trends being about relevance to your customers and prospects interests, Messaging can be customized within Customized Communications Management Strategy framework.

Targeted Advertising

Social networks are increasingly allowing targeted communications based on interests, age group, company size and education. LinkedIn allows brands to display their ads right to the users’ homepage with segment updates based on company size, industry, job function, seniority, geography, and organizations.
Targeting in Twitter paid advertising  is based on who the user is talking about, following and the keywords being used.

Brand Promotions

The promotions in social networks can be linked to location based advertising where Brands can target customers in a relevant context. With Pinterest Business Pages brands can target contests to a community of followers with interactive content that is engaging. Facebook has taken this a step forward testing F-commerce with its Want button.

Brand Engagement

Brand Content for the Social Networks will need to be customized and curated for each of the Social Networks and devices depending on the customer journey for each of the segments  to optimize Brand Engagement.